Putting things in perspective..

This is a comment from a reader (hi Dad!). If liberals don't already make you want to vom, they will now.

"Can I bitch on here? Well I'm going to. I are (am) depressed. (Doesn't "I are" sound better?) It appears that the main stream media has finally accomplished their goal of dumbing down the majority of Americans and instilling apathy and celebrity worship in lieu of patriotism and adulation of true American heroes, like soldiers. I are depressed because the mainstream has accomplished this so well that it doesn't even attempt to hide the flagrant lack of objectivity because the majority of Americans don't care. The majority of Americans either are too stupid or too lazy to give even cursory analysis to politics or economics. The analysis of our current financial crises by most Americans is this "Financial meltdown, plus a Republican President, equals Republicans must be at Fault". They get their news and political analysis from the likes of Matt Damon and Jason Alexander who are campaigning for Hussein in Florida today, and Richard Dreyfuss on the "Spew".
Criminal mischief that allows Obama to take money from the agencies Democrats are supposed to be regulating? Who Cares? Worshipping with an avowed American Hater for twenty years! Who cares? Massive electoral fraud on behalf of the Democrats? Who cares? We may end up with a celebrity "Empty Suit" sitting in Lincoln's Chair ?!#!$????!!!. It's enough to make you want to throw up and give up. OK, I'm done (for now).
Thanks for letting me vent."
-Horse Fly

Actually I know I will vom if Barack is elected next week. Then maybe I will complain to the government that election anxiety made me sick and demand the government give me a new laptop because mine was ruined because of my vomit, and also make them reimburse me for all of the time I spent worrying sick about the election. This handout prospect is starting to sound awfully convenient. Why don't I just lay around and watch TV all day or, better yet, slang crack, and collect no government-recognized income and just live off of handouts, which is essentially your money?! Ahh, the easy life.


Janey said...

Thanks for the outlet to rant and vent. The frustration level is becoming so intense as to nearly reach the level of inability to tolerate another moment of Obama Mania. I have to hold on to my belief that American is composed of a majority of individuals who support liberty, free market economy, and the values of our founding fathers. Surely we outnumber those small-minded drones who vote for someone because of their race, their false promises, their fear mongering tactics, or their empty rhetoric. I believe, I believe, I believe....I hope...