Some other ideas we had for titles..

Katie's suggestions:

"Use Your Brain: Pretend its a Government Handout"
"If Barack reads this, I'm going into Witness Protection"

AJ's suggestions:

Subversive Advocacy
Advocacy of Ideas

What these tell you about the authors:
AJ is a very intelligent lawyer with an interest in constitution law and strict interpretation.
Katie hates liberalism (and its mindless media drones).

On another note,
Welcome to our Blog. We think you will find it entertaining, informational and educational.
If you want to comment on anything we post please feel free, but don't even try to change our minds in regards to our political views and ideals. (If you are one of those commenters that just spits out anti-republican nonsense on various blogs, don't waste your time posting here. You should utilize your time, we are smarter than you, you could learn a thing or two from us.)
In our blog you will often find that AJ is the more politically correct, and legally correct, one, while I will say what I feel because, quite frankly, I don't give a damn if I offend you.

Now bookmark us and enjoy!