Some Liquid Distraction.

Whether we end up celebrating or drowning our sorrows, everyone loves a drinking game to speed the process along. In that spirit, I bring you the unCommon Sense OFFICIAL Election 2008 Drinking Game.

The rules are simple. So simple, in fact, even your democrat friends can play!

1. Watch election coverage on TV. There are three levels of difficulty of play, and once the rest of the rules are explained, it will be apparent why. The easiest level is Fox News. The average player should go with CNN. Seasoned alcoholics (aka "Country Club Republicans") should go for MSNBC.

2. Every time someone on TV says or does the following thing, take the prescribed number of drinks from your beverage of choice:
+1 Someone says hope
+1 Someone says change
+1 Someone talks about voter fraud
+2 Someone says that a particular state is a swing state this year, even though it clearly is not (i.e. Georgia)
+2 Someone refers to the perception of Sarah Palin as unintelligent
+2 Every time a state comes in red.
+3 Every time a state comes in blue.
+3 Someone says "hope and change"

If Barack wins, finish your drink and appropriate the drinks of all your democrat friends. Socialism in action is awesome! Redistribute that booze!

If McCain wins, ask for separate checks.

3. Last man standing wins!


Janey said...

Horse (Dad) Fly

Janey said...

OK1 I give up. NoBama will be president. Rev. Wright was Right....God Damn America. And he has!

Tomorrow I am going to riot!

My main thought is "Thank God my DADDY is not here to see this!". It would KILL HIM !

I have two (2ea) words of advice;
1)Make sure you have you IDENTITY PAPERS with you at ALL times!
2)Make sure your IDENTITY PAPERS ARE IN ORDER!!!!!1

See you in the unemployment line,
Horse (no longer able to) Fly.